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Creative Expression:  

Our creative expression program will combine music, dance, acting, and spoken word instruction with project-based learning. Our program is designed to teach a variety of art forms to individuals at all levels by engagement through use of historical research, application, and open expression. Our goal is to give individuals a comprehensive understanding of various forms of music, dance, acting and spoken word. While all of our programs cater to enhancing the intellect youth, here they’ll learn the importance of also feeding their creativity through actively using and building their inner artist


Spoken Word (Poetry): Youth will engage in 8-week instructional program, where they’ll learn the origins, and variety of context and influence within spoken word. They’ll be provided the direction and tools necessary to create their own unique pieces of work, which they will later showcase.

Launching in in January 2017


Education: "Education is Cool Too"

The "Education is Cool Too" program is designed to help youth understand the importance of prioritizing education, and the benefits of pursuing advanced degrees and training beyond high school. Our aim is to support their success through academic tutoring within the school year and educational workshops during the summer months. Our focus will be on four core subjects: Reading, Writing, Math, and languages, in which we will provide access to professional tutors in each high school level subject area.

Launch Date: TBD….Stay Tuned!

Community Service: GIVE more, GIVE back, Repeat, it’s as simple as that! 

Promotion of community, unity, and support of our fellow man and neighbor through various service project. We will join with other local organizations, as well as, Vision of Youth Center’s own signature volunteer projects to support Philadelphia neighborhoods through:

  • Clean Ups: Parks, Playgrounds, Painting schools, etc

  • Reading to other youth: Children at schools, hospitals, etc.

  • Service to Philadelphia’s Homeless Community: Volunteer work at shelters, providing care bags, coat drives, etc.


Service Project: Nov 2016- Care bags because we Care: Provide toiletries and other essentials to the homeless/shelters

Community Service: "Community Service Through the Arts"

This program is designed to provide arts and entertainment to Philadelphia communities. Through this program, our organization will host plays, musicals, poetry slams, and dance performances. Themes around promoting education and awareness on various issues such as bullying, crime, drugs, unity, and health issues are the focus.

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